Wild Side of Queen Elizabeth Park
Submitted by Bengül Kurtar
Last Friday morning (17 April,2020), Janet and I bicycled to Queen Elizabeth Park by practicing physical distancing rule! I had seen pink fawn lilies (Erythronium revolutum) a few years ago by accident while coming down from the top of the park. Looks like it was on March 31, 2016 as per my Flickr page: Pink fawn lily (Erythronium revolutum).
After locating the pink fawn lilies on the wild side of Queen Elizabeth Park, we walked little bit: saw a lot of hummingbirds, a Northern Flicker, and a few bumble bee houses within in two square meter area! We decided to come back next time with our binoculars and better cameras! As per Sierra Club BC, “Pink Fawn lily (Erythronium revolutum) grows on Vancouver Island and then continues south along the coast to California. It likes open and moist meadows, woodlands and streamsides. In B.C. this plant is found in the Georgia Depression ecoprovince.”
We see white fawn fawn lilies (Erythronium oregonum) and other spring wildflowers on Nature Vancouver field trip to Horth Hill Park on Vancouver Island in March-April. You can see my album from last year’s trip: