

Discovery is an annual journal of natural history and conservation published by Nature Vancouver.

Editorial Committee: Sheila Byers (Co-editor), Bev Ramey (Co-editor)

Designer: Laura Fauth


The Editorial Committee invites submissions of articles, nature notes and book reviews. Please e-mail all submissions to <>.


For information regarding advertising rates and dimension of advertisements, please contact <>.

Deadline for Submissions

Please submit articles, nature notes, book reviews, and advertisements by November 1, 2024. If you have your material ready before that date, please submit it as soon as you can to give the editorial committee extra time to review. 


Please send your submissions in Word Doc and use minimal formatting. During the design stage, your submission will be re-formatted, so please keep your format as simple as possible.


Please submit photos in jpg files and separately from the text of your article. Assign a number to each photo and add it to the jpg filename. Provide photo captions in a separate text file to correspond with numbered photos. For your initial submission, please send photos at low resolution. If your article is accepted, the graphic designer will request the high resolution photos directly from you. The resolution required for publication is 300 dpi or higher (approximately 2400 horizontal pixels or 2 MB). 


Length for an article can be 800 to 3000 words; Nature Notes or book reviews, around 500 words.

Subject Matter 

Submissions can be on any subject relating to natural history such as in the fields of ornithology, botany, mycology, marine biology, mammals, conservation, invertebrates, and geology. Submissions can be accounts of your research and / or noteworthy observations. You do not have to be a member of Nature Vancouver to submit articles.


If you have a proposal for an article and would like confirmation that it is an acceptable topic, please e-mail a summary or abstract to

Tone and Voice

Discovery is not a professional journal. Thus, the passive voice (“It was observed that the rats recoiled from the stimuli”) should be avoided where possible as being too impersonal. Authors are encouraged to use the active voice, and to include themselves when suitable in the text. (“We (or I) observed two types of reaction by rats to the electric shocks,” or “Rats responded in two different ways to the electric shocks.”)

Discovery is intended for a general readership with interests in nature and conservation, but not necessarily with specialized training in the natural sciences. Its articles should be accessible to everyone. Specialized words and concepts should be explained in the text.

Thank you for your support of Discovery.

Nature Vancouver