Member Social – Feb 17, 2024
Report by Susan Garber
On Saturday, February 17th, over 80 members of Nature Vancouver gathered for a lively Social at the Hewett Hall, Vancouver Unitarian Campus.
The event began at 2:00 and soon the Hall was filled with chatter and laughter as members joined in conversations catching up with old and new friends.
Tables were laden with tasty appetizers brought by the members in attendance. Hot drinks of coffee, tea and mulled apple cider were provided by Nature Vancouver and hosted by Poh Chan, Linda Koch, Donna Underhill, and Susan Garber.
Members also had the opportunity to talk with committee members about the various activities that the committees are promoting. Many signed up to volunteer for Night Quest and a Nature Vancouver inspired Maple Grove Elementary School invasive plant removal project. In addition, there was a book swap and donation table which raised over $200.00 for Nature Kids programs. The book swap was well done and quite successful.
As a thank you for being a member and attending the Social, 15 members won a potted tulip or narcissus to take home. Congratulations!
Thank you to all those who came and contributed to such a vibrant and rewarding Social.