Whale Sound: The Acoustic Tradition of Whales – Janie Wray

Whale Sound: The Acoustic Tradition of Whales – Janie Wray


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Event Type

For over 20 years, Janie has studied the acoustic dialects and social connections of orca, humpback and fin whales, cataloguing every humpback whale seen on the north coast of BC, and categorizing their diverse call types. This presentation explores the diverse communication between whales, and shows how dialects and songs are passed on between orca families, and within the Pacific humpback population. Her research highlights the importance of sound and the need for a quieter ocean, as she explains the technologies used to record and understand how whales communicate and interact in their coastal waters.

Janie’s dream was to “build a marine research station, off grid, in an area where whales thrive and the presence and impact of people are minimal”. In 2001, with the permission of the Gitga’at First Nation Community of Hartley Bay, Janie co-founded Cetacea Lab, a whale research station along the remote north coast. In 2017, the work moved to Fin Island Research Station, nestled within the marine waterways of the Great Bear Rainforest.

On the Monday preceding the event, Nature Vancouver members will receive the Zoom link in the weekly e-News.  The talk will begin at 7:30 pm.  Non-members are welcome and should email enews@NatureVancouver.ca a few days ahead to register for the link.  
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