Interior Birding trip to Merritt [FULL]
As of Apr 15 this event is full.
Interior birding trip to Merritt. One target will be William’s Sapsucker. Some of the other birds to expect include numerous waterfowl, Clark’s Nutcracker, Mountain Chickadee, Pygmy and White-breasted Nuthatches, Mountain Bluebird, Townsend’s Solitaire, Cassin’s Finch and Red Crossbill. Please register with the leader Thomas Plath at, cell 778 928-9206. Limited to 12 participants or roughly 4-5 vehicles. Attempts will be made to carpool. Meet Tom with a full tank of gas & snacks at the McDonald’s parking lot in Merritt at 12PM Saturday April 20. This is an overnight tour. We will bird the forest and grasslands north of Merritt Saturday afternoon/evening and the Douglas-fir/Ponderosa Pine forest closer to town Sunday morning. Participants are responsible for their accommodation in Merritt Saturday night.