Hike to Whyte Lake
Join Naomi Ross as she explores Whyte Lake via the Old Helipad on the North Shore. This is one of her favourite hikes, but the route depends on the trail conditions. It is a loop of close to 6 km, with approximately 300 m of elevation gain, all in the first hour, making the beginning of the hike strenuous and steep. The terrain is rooty and rocky for the ascent and can be very slippery. There are clusters of arbutus trees and manzanita at the top of the ridge. We will see few if any hikers until we reach the lake. If we are lucky, we will at least hear, but hopefully see, sooty grouse. When we reach Whyte Lake, we may see waterfowl and there is abundant woodpecker habitat. There will be a steady flow of people going in both directions as we head down on the east side of Nelson Creek with views of old growth Douglas-Fir and Western Redcedar. It can be muddy and slippery on the way down the Nelson Creek trail as well. Start time is 9:00, and we should be back at the parking lot around noon.
Contact Naomi at naomixross@hotmail.com for pre-registration.