Beginner Birding Walk at Jericho Beach Park

Beginner Birding Walk at Jericho Beach Park


9:00 am - 11:00 am


Jericho Beach Park West Entrance
1674-1600 Discovery St, Vancouver, BC

Event Type

This event is part of the Welcome Walk series.

Accessibility Description:
We will be walking on level dirt and gravel trails and cement pathways, but the ground can be a bit rough in a few areas with protruding stumps or rocks. The trail is not perfectly even but it’s between a 0-5% grade and is no steeper than a 1:12 slope. There is pay parking on the street nearby and free street parking in the neighbourhood close to our meeting location. 

Meeting Location:

Bathrooms: Bathrooms are available near our meeting location.  

Type of bird outing:
This outing is designed to be intentionally inclusive and accessible for beginner birdwatchers. Everyone is welcome on this outing including families and children. If you have any accessibility needs, please email the trip leaders before the event. 

Inspired by Jon Young’s book, What a Robin Knows, we will be cultivating slow sense by going on a slow walk to watch and listen to birds. We will use our different senses to shift into a different frame of mind that pays attention to the natural world. We will be walking a trail along the beach and looping around to a section that is forested and adjacent to the ponds. During the session, we will engage in citizen science and submit our observations to eBird to contribute to a valuable set of scientific data. 

Target Birds:
Surf and White-winged Scoters, Common and Barrow’s Goldeneyes, all 3 merganser species, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron, Pacific Wren, Varied Thrush 

Additional Information:
6 pairs of loaner binoculars will be available on a first come first serve basis. To register, please email Joanna Chin at and Neill Vanhinsberg at

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