Beginner Bird Walk at Queen Elizabeth Park

Beginner Bird Walk at Queen Elizabeth Park


9:00 am - 11:00 am


Queen Elizabeth Park
4600 Cambie St, Vancouver

Event Type

Join trip leaders Kelvin Yip and Neill Vanhinsberg for a beginner focused walk at Queen Elizabeth Park on the morning of February 16th. This introductory walk will be suited for people who are interested in getting into birding or have recently started – all experiences are welcome however, as we all have something to learn from each other. We will share our knowledge & experiences, as well as some tips & tricks to get you going so you can enjoy the 2025 season! We can also talk about eBird and Merlin if folks are interested.

The walk will start at 9 AM and will last about 2 hours. We will mostly stick to the trails which are level with a few small hills. If you have mobility issues, please let us know and we’d be happy to adjust the route. 

Registration is required, please email for details of the meet-up location. Also, please let us know in your email if you are a current member of Nature Vancouver as spots are limited, priority will be given to Nature Vancouver members. We will have a small number of loaner binoculars so let us know if you’d like to borrow a pair.

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