Anna’s Hummingbird – our winter residents
Anna’s hummingbirds – our winter residents
Alison Moran is the Director for the Hummingbird Project at Rocky Point Bird Observatory in Victoria. This work was started in 1997 by Cam Finlay, a Master-bander, author and naturalist. The teams monitor hummingbirds in BC and southern Alberta.
Alison will share how we can identify Anna’s hummingbirds. She will explain some of their behaviours, like display dives and vocalizations. Depending on time, she may also discuss recent DNA research on diet and pesticide exposure.
Her advice on attracting and feeding hummingbirds can be found at – it includes recipe, cleanliness, schedule, things to avoid, winter freezing, gardening.
This presentation will be aired via Zoom Video Conferencing. On the Monday preceding the event, Nature Vancouver members will receive the Zoom link in the weekly e-News. To join the talk on Thursday, click on that link after 7:15 pm. The talk will begin at 7:30 pm. Non-members are welcome and should Email well in advance to register for the link.