🌿Brilliant Native Bees of BC – Julia Taylor

🌿Brilliant Native Bees of BC – Julia Taylor


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Vancouver Unitarians, Hewett Hall
949 w 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC

Event Type

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BC is home to around 600 different native bee species and has the greatest diversity of native bees in all of Canada. This include 30 species of bumble bees, as well as mason bees, miner bees, leafcutter bees, carpenter bees, and the beautiful sweat bees whose metallic beauty seems at odds with their humble name. These bees don’t make honey, but are essential for pollination of most of our native wildflowers, and like honeybees, they pollinate crops that provide us with food.

Julia Taylor is a Board Member of the Native Bee Society of British Columbia.

This presentation will be a Hybrid of In Person and Zoom video conferencing. Please join us after 7 pm to enjoy some social time at the Unitarian Hewett Hall, 949 w 49th Avenue (49th and Oak), Vancouver.  
On the Monday preceding the event, Nature Vancouver members will receive the Zoom link in the weekly e-News.  The talk will begin at 7:30 pm.  Non-members are welcome and should Email enews@NatureVancouver.ca a few days ahead to register for the link.

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Nature Vancouver