Birding Iona Beach Regional Park – April 27, 2024
Submitted by Jan Lowcock.
Grey, rainy, windy weather set the stage for the Iona Beach Regional Park bird walk led by John Chandler and Jan Lowcock. Our group of 10 included several new birders who had attended the beginning birder Welcome Walks. They have earned their stripes by birding in wet weather.
We identified 49 species in total, a few of which were seen and heard after we had completed the larger group walk.
The trip began with a survey of the outer pond and a walk along the pipe walkway to the south. Tree, Violet-green, Barn and Northern Rough-winged Swallows were flying and perched which was helpful for identification. Green-winged Teal and Dunlin were feeding in the water on the south side of the road and we had spied a Bald Eagle returning to the nest with a fish meal. Gratefully out of the wind, we tucked down along the trail by the settling pond fence, spotting Yellow-rumped and Wilson’s Warblers, an American Coot and a Cinnamon Teal.
Moving into the wooded area near the banding station and toward the river we were treated to long views of perched Rufous Hummingbirds.
The last-minute additions to our lists included a Greater Yellowlegs, Downy Woodpecker and Black-throated Gray Warbler. Two male Yellow-headed Blackbirds sat right in front of the washrooms, to the delight of our photographers. This was a good reminder to be sure to bird the parking lot and remember that birding in the rain has its rewards.
Thanks to everyone who came out.