Beginner Bird Walk at Queen Elizabeth Park – Jan 19th, 2025

Beginner Bird Walk at Queen Elizabeth Park – Jan 19th, 2025

Trip Report by Kelvin Yip

Eleven beginner birders joined leaders Kelvin Yip and Neill Vanhinsberg for a frosty morning of birding at Queen Elizabeth Park on January 19th. Beginner tips and tricks were shared, and we were greeted with a visit from a female Anna’s Hummingbird in the parking lot. 

In the rose garden we saw some Song Sparrows and Dark Eyed Juncos. Over behind the Lawn Bowling Club there were Ruby Crowned Kinglets picking around on the ground and gave us a good showing. A Bald Eagle was spotted perched in a Douglas fir behind the Conservatory. On the west side above the Quarry Gardens, we saw a flock of Black Capped Chickadees with some Red Breasted Nuthatches and even a Chestnut Backed Chickadee mixed in too! 

On the way back to the meeting area, we viewed some American Robins on the ground with a Northern Flicker and European Starlings alongside. In total, we saw 20 species even with the cold temperatures! 

Thanks to everyone who came out to learn with us!

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